How to Install Concrete Roof Tiles

Installing concrete tile roof is quite a laborious and difficult process which needs great preparation and planning before the actual installation.

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Project Planning

At this stage

First Factor

At this stage there are some aspects which you put into consideration. The first factor is the tile type you would like to use but for this case its concrete tiles.

At This Phase

You Should Consider

What you should consider at this phase is the tiles color as some are prone to fading faster as compared to others.

As you think


Safety in this context would mean someone to aid in holding in place the ladder while you are working and also be able to pass you the tools you need for the work.

preparation stage

Tools And Materials

Attach the diamond blade for cutting on the saw. Cross check the roofing kit ascertaining that anything that would be needed is in place.

Get the installation work started

The following steps are involved in this phase:

  • Removing the former roofing if any.
  • Installation of underlayment

Position at one roof’s side a roll of underlayment perpendicular to roof’s eave.

Roll the underway while keeping bottom edge in line with eave’s edge maintaining it above any synthetic or metal edging which may cover eave’s border.

Secure laid underlayment using nails at a separation distance of 24’’ interval. The nails to be at least 2’’ above the roof edge. At the roof end cut the roll of underlayment such that it matches edges then secure using nails.


Install battens

Battens are the thin material strips either plastic metal or wood about 2’’ wide and 1’’.


Install tiles

Start your tiles installation on one side then move alongside roof’s length. If there are no battens.


For tight spots cut the tiles

Obstacles such as chimneys will find their way and with tiles they will be cut such that they fit around those areas tightly.


Ridge tiles installation

After tiles installation on roof’s broad surface the tops need special capping with ridge tiles. Ridge tiles are round in shape.

Actual installation of tiles

Installing concrete tile roof is quite a laborious and difficult process which needs great preparation and planning before the actual installation. Be it you are replacing a roof which is damaged or installing a brand new roof, you need be aware of how to do it technique.

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